************************************************* * This firmware is for the following products: * * -------------------------------------------- * * X-0401H-AES4-HES * ************************************************* ** NOTE: Units with a bypass relay installed should use X0401**-BYP.bin firmware** version 1.2 build 125 (November 8, 2011) ------------------------------------------ -- corrected 14853 Audio issue related to duplicate ADP packets -- corrected where a Loss of audio was possible due to unstable genlock source -- Output video phasing so that active picture lines up with output raster -- Added menu item under utility for the switch delay mode -- corrected, where there were audio dropouts when locked to tri level & DARS (audio drops out after 2 or 3 switches on the input). Note: When upgrading to this version of firmware from any previous firmware, the V phase control (under the Reference->Output timing menu) must be set to 1 to ensure that ANC data from the input is inserted on the correct line on the output. In previous versions, this was typically set to 3. Version 1.02 build 95 (December 13, 2007) ------------------------------------------ - Added support for new Flash IC. Version 1.02 build 91 (August 14, 2007) ------------------------------------------ - Fixed rebooting issue when switching the standard (HDSDI to SDI or vice versa) Version 1.02 build 75 (July 28, 2006) ------------------------------------------ - first release