Routers Catalog
Evertz manufactures a wide variety of multi-function routers, from small 2x1 switches to enterprise-grade systems capable of routing 1000 signals and more. Choose from one of the categories below to find the Evertz router that fits your specific needs.

Enterprise Class Routers
- EQX Routers
- Current EQX-IO Modules
- Mature EQX-IO Modules

Compact Enterprise Routers
- NEXX Routers

Audio & Data / LTC / Tally Routers
- TDM Audio Crosspoints
- SDI Routers - Integrated TDM Audio Crosspoint
- AES I/O Modules
- Analog Audio I/O Modules
- Bulk Audio I/O Modules
- Audio Over IP Modules
- Data / LTC Modules
- Tally Routers

Small Video Routers
- 12G Capable Routers
- EMX Series - 12G Capable
- X Series Bypass Switchers

Modular Video Routers
- EMX Series - 12G Capable
- Modular Router and Bypass Protection

Router Control Panels
- Modern Control Panels
- Traditional LCD Control Panels
- Traditional Control Panels