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Device Information

Manage all your devices from one interface. Use MAGNUM's devices and links app to consolidate the following:

  • Device status
  • Device configuration
  • Connection status
  • Control IP and Multicast Address
  • Network Health
  • Device Logs
  • Temperature/Video/Audio and More fault status

Multiviewer Management & Design

MAGNUM's Multiviewer Control is industry leading. From our Web-UI, you'll be able to:

  • Design Multiviewer Layouts offline
  • Apply Saved Layouts to Multiviewer Displays
  • Configure Tally
  • Manage a Multiviewer Wall
  • Customize Fonts, Backgrounds, Graphics and More

3rd Party Device Support: Management & Control

MAGNUM OS supports a wide range of third-party devices in addition to Evertz devices, offering comprehensive routing, stream tuning, parametric control, monitoring, and analytics. The Device Control app enables users to add, remove, and view controllable devices. Parametric controls for each device can be integrated into MAGNUM-managed interfaces or customized workflows via the MAGNUM Reflex engine, allowing for tailored control in both broadcast and non-broadcast applications.

Third-Party Device Support List

Incident Reports

Create, record, update, and track events within the system. Users can enter detailed reports for various incidents, such as video loss or audio dips, and provide information for review and action. Events can be updated with additional details and status changes throughout their lifecycle. The app also supports integration with external systems like JIRA, PagerDuty, and more enhancing extensibility.

PTP Monitoring & Reporting

PTP issues can bring down a 2110 network. Make sure you're fully aware of MAGNUM's PTP Monitoring and Visibility tools - they could prevent catastrophe for your system.

  • Reporting on Grandmaster Errors, Drift Interval Sequencing Errors & more
  • PTP data Per Device
    • Domain Accuracy
    • Time
    • Source
    • Hops
    • Priority
  • Overview of ports & Connections

Device Configuration

Manage tens, hundreds, or thousands of devices effortlessly through MAGNUM-OS. It's simple - build up the configurations that you need and push them out when you need them.

COTS Control, Monitoring & Reporting

MAGNUM OS supports control and monitoring of COTS switches. We provide control solutions for Cisco, Arista, and many other vendors. There's major benefits to letting MAGNUM control your video network:

  • User friendly names
  • Hidden multicast settings
  • Alarming and monitoring
  • Port status

MAGNUM is the best broadcast controller - it doesn't matter what the router is.


Go Bar

Use MAGNUM's go bar to quickly find what your need, without having to leave to another MAGNUM App:

  • Execute routes
  • Salvos
  • Naming
  • Device configuration
  • Source path view
  • Load layouts on multiviewers
  • Find dashboards for critical systems
  • Built-in helpers to find controls

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