Download Default VUE Layouts

How It Works
Upload the .ZIP files to your MAGNUM.
MAGNUM acts as the central configuration storage for all of your VUEs.
Once the layouts live in MAGNUM, we call them contexts. We use the name "contexts", because the file contains contextual information. This means that each context will connect to the correct systems, and filter the correct resources for each operator workstation.
Click image for larger size
A Good Starting Base
Included on this page are two sets of contexts – some for VUE-TOUCH2s, and some for 1920x1080p screens.
In the 1920x1080p layouts, there's a navigation bar at the bottom that lets you move between different contexts, allowing you to switch controls as needed.
Feel free to edit these layouts or create your own
Click images for larger size

Some Assembly Required
You'll need to point your VUE layouts at the correct assets, and in order to do that - enter edit mode.
Navigate to your router control system. Here, by default you'll find a system configured to {{vuecp.magnum_host}}. This string acts as a variable, pulling your MAGNUM's cluster IP. This let's our default layouts work with any customer system. Also, ensure to build and select the appropriate nameset. VUE prefers namesets with spaces:
- PC01 QC MON rather than PC01-QC-MON
- STU 01 CAM 03 rather than STU-01-CAM-03
- UDX 01 rather than UDX-01
Read the _READ_ME context for more details, or look at some of the videos at VUE Solutions.